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Jums reikės:
2 bananų
2 kiaušinių
Pusės stiklinės pieno
1 stiklinės migdolų miltų
Pusės stiklinės miltų
Šaukštelio kepimo miltelių
0,25 arbat. šaukštelio vanilės ekstrakto
Bananus sutrinkite iki vientisos tyrės. Įmuškite kiaušinius, įpilkite pieno ir gerai išmaišykite. Suberkite miltus, gerai išmaišykite. Suberkite kepimo miltelius, vanilės ekstraktą ir migdolų miltus. Viską labai gerai išmaišykite. Kepkite įkaitintame sviesto ir aliejaus mišinyje, kol blynai apskrus iš abiejų pusių.
Almond flour is the best and healthiest choice instead of regular flour. Gives baked goods a mild almond flavor. They are used to make various baked goods, suitable for baking cookies and cakes. This flour is very nutritious and has many beneficial properties. They are an excellent source of protein, fiber and healthy fats. Suitable for those who do...
It is pure butter, an ideal culinary fat suitable for baking (maintains a very high temperature). Also perfect to put to porridges, soups, stews. Lactose-free.
It is pure butter, an ideal culinary fat suitable for baking (maintains a very high temperature). Also perfect to put to porridges, soups, stews. Lactose-free.
An excellent sweetener for hot drinks, porridges, ice creams, pancakes, fruits, baked goods and other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar. Without gluten. It has low glycemic index.
Dark agave syrup is less processed and has a stronger caramel flavor.
Perfect for use in sweet baked goods, sauces instead of sugar. GMO free.
Organic almonds are a great and nutritious snack. Processed nuts are used to make almond flour, almond milk and almond butter.
Organic almonds are a great and nutritious snack. Processed nuts are used to make almond flour, almond milk and almond butter.
An excellent sweetener for hot drinks, porridges, ice creams, pancakes, fruits, baked goods and other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar. Without gluten. It has low glycemic index.
Dark agave syrup is less processed and has a stronger caramel flavor.