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Jums rikės:
1/2 šaukštelio AMRITA Baobabo miltelių
1 citrinos
1 apelsino
1/4 greipfruto
žiubsnelio imbiero (pagal skonį)
žiubsnelio ciberžolės (pagal skonį)
100 ml vandens
1 šaukštelis AMRITA agavų sirupo (pagal skonį)
Susmulkinkite citriną, apelsiną, greipfrutą ir suberkite į plaktuvą kartu su visais kitais ingredientais. Suplakite iki vientisos masės. Skanaus!
Organic baobab powder has a lot of fiber, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C.
Ginger is one of the most popular spices. It facilitates the absorption of food, gives it a spicy taste.
An excellent sweetener for hot drinks, porridges, ice creams, pancakes, fruits, baked goods and other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar. Without gluten. It has low glycemic index.
Baobab fruit powder - a real Superfood! They are rich in fiber as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C.
An excellent sweetener for hot drinks, porridges, ice creams, pancakes, fruits, baked goods and other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar. Without gluten. It has low glycemic index.
Organic baobab powder has a lot of fiber, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C.