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Organic light agave syrup is a healthier alternative to sugar. Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar, so you will need less of this product than sugar to get the same sweetness.
Agave is an interesting plant that blooms only once in its lifetime. After ripening and spreading its seeds, it simply withers away. In a few to a dozen years, the Agave plant grows large leaves, somewhat reminiscent of aloe, and sends out a very tall stem on which yellow, fragrant inflorescences bloom. Interestingly, these flowers are usually pollinated by bats. And when the plant's seeds are scattered, the mother agave, having completed its mission, dies.
Agave syrup is made from the core or stem of the plant by crushing them and squeezing the juice, which is then mixed with water, filtered and slightly heated until the final product, syrup, is obtained.
Agave syrup can be light or dark. The darker it is, the less processed it is. The syrup is sometimes made into a powder. The basis of the composition of agave syrup is fructose, and there is very little glucose. And although it has the same calories as sugar, agave syrup is significantly sweeter than sugar, so you need much less of it.
Storage conditions: store at room temperature.
Manufacturer: AMRITA - UAB EKO PIRK, Lithuania.Ingredients: light agave syrup*.
*Product from organic agriculture.
Packaged in an environment that may contain traces of gluten, nuts, soy and sesame.
Nutritional value 100 ml
Energy | 1275 kJ/300 kCal |
Fat | <0.5 g |
- of which saturates | <0.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 75 g |
- of which sugars | 75 g |
Fiber | 5.8 g |
Protein | <0.5 g |
Salt | <0.03 g |
It is suitable for sweetening hot drinks, flavoring porridge, ice cream, pancakes, fruit, curd dishes, adding to baked goods or other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar.
Perfect for use in sweet baked goods, sauces instead of sugar. Without GMO.
Dark agave syrup is less processed than light agave syrup and has a more intense caramel flavor. It is a healthier alternative to sugar. Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar, so you will need less of this product than sugar to get the same sweetness.
Dark agave syrup is less processed and has a stronger caramel flavor.
An excellent sweetener for hot drinks, porridges, ice creams, pancakes, fruits, baked goods and other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar. Without gluten. It has low glycemic index.
Perfect for use in sweet baked goods, sauces instead of sugar. GMO free.
An excellent sweetener for hot drinks, porridges, ice creams, pancakes, fruits, baked goods and other sweet dishes. Sweeter than regular sugar. Without gluten. It has low glycemic index.
Dark agave syrup is less processed and has a stronger caramel flavor.
Sveiki, Rūta, 70 – 77%.
11/30/2016Kiek procentų fruktozės yra šiame sirupe?
11/30/2016Sveiki, Raimonda. Dėkojame už Jūsų atidumą ir rūpestį! Ateityje tobulinsime techniką, kad tokių nemalonių situacijų nebūtų. Ačiū už supratingumą!
03/08/2016Sveiki, atkreipkit demesi, jog sitos agavu sirupo pakuotes folijos dangtelis visuomet buna atsiklijaves. Praejusi karta kai buvau uzsisakiusi si agavu sirupa, del atsiklijavusios folijos buvo siek tiek isbeges sirupas pro pagrindini dangteli. Is pradziu maniau, jog cia pasitaike tokia pakuotes partija, bet nusipirkus RIMI toki pati jusu tiekiama agavu sirupa, yra ta pati problema - folijos dangtelis yra atsiklijaves nuo plastmasinio buteliuko ir prilipes prie plastmasinio dangtelio dugno.
03/08/2016Only registered users can comment.
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