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This classic combination has been in existence for hundreds of years, is inseparable from ancient oriental traditions and spiritual practices. This Classic tea is the most popular tea in India that are enjoyed with milk! The sweet and aromatic taste of this tea will warm both the body and the soul.
Pour a cup of milk into a bowl. Milk can be mixed with water to achieve the proportions and flavor that you like the most. Add the content of one tea bag into the pot to make one cup of tea and heat mixture until it boils. You can always add more spices such as cardamom, anise, ginger, minced cloves, etc. If you want your drink to be stronger, then add black tea as well.
Enjoy this excellent drink at any time of the day!
Tempting and mysterious scents, exotic and flavourful herbs, aromatic spices - all this gives YOGI TEA an exceptional and delicate flavor.
All teas are deliberately selected, completely natural, and each ingredient meets its purpose of giving you a conscious vitality. Since ancient times, YOGI TEA has been following Ayurvedic traditions, which claim that it is necessary to live in harmony with nature and to be able to discover treasures of the Earth – gifts of life.
We invite you to enjoy these gifts with a delicious cup of tea.
Storage: Keep container tightly sealed, in a dry, cool place.
Manufacturer: YOGI TEA, Germany.Cinnamon * (50%), cardamom *, ginger *, cloves *, black pepper *, cinnamon extract (natural flavoring), ginger oil *.* Certified organic ingredients.
This tea is the most delicious with milk! The final product will be similar to "Masala Chai," which are sold in India in every corner.
This tea is made according to a unique Ayurveda recipe that helps digestion. Ayurvedic traditions teach that appropriately selected foods and herbs can affect the way you feel after eating and throughout the day.
Ayurveda is a practical and philosophical way of life that originated in ancient times in India. Ayurveda means "life knowledge", which teaches that the world consists of five energies or Tattvas: earth, air, water, fire, and heaven. It is recommended that the fire and air elements be balanced to maintain healthy digestion.
A luxurious black tea with a delicate aroma in an elegant small tin decorated with flowers. It is a harmonious mixture, subtly flavored with rose, bergamot, vanilla and lavender scents.
A rich, spice-enriched alternative to coffee that warms from the inside, prevents heaviness, and awakens the senses.Perfect after a meal or for that afternoon moment when you want something tasty.
A great tasting, refreshing tea. Made by blending 3 types of basil (tulsi) and green tea. With caffeine.
Aromatic, relaxing tea. Rich Tulsi herb leaves are enriched with delicate real rose petals. It's a naturally iced tea, just pour boiling water over it and enjoy!
Soothing and relaxing tea. Made by mixing 2 types of basil (tulsi) and aromatic herbs. Without caffeine.The Queen of Herbs, Tulsi and Herbs make for an incredibly delicious and enjoyable tea blend!
Aromatic and rich in taste tea. Has detoxifying properties. May help improve digestion. Made by mixing basil (tulsi), ginger and lemongrass. Without caffeine. The blend of Tulsi, the queen of herbs, green tea and mild ginger with the aroma of lemons creates an incredibly delicious and pleasant tea blend! Enjoy both hot and cold tea.
Digestive tea. You can drink before and after meals. Made by blending 3 types of basil (tulsi) with ginger, cinnamon, licorice and peppermint. Without caffeine.
Delicious, fragrant tea with an exceptional taste is made by mixing 3 types of basil (tulsi). Without caffeine.
Organic tea with Tulsi and ginger. This tea is perfect for relaxing after a hard day's work.
Aromatic, faint green tea taste.
Caffeine-free, so it's good to enjoy both in the morning and in the evening.
Organic tulsi tea with spices Masala Chai. It is an aromatic and rich tasting tea.
Caffeine-free, so it's good to enjoy both in the morning and in the evening.
Delicious organic Earl Grey tea is made from organic Indian black tea and has a fragrant bergamot flavor.
Very smooth, slightly tangy taste organic ceremonial matcha
Very smooth, slightly tangy taste organic ceremonial matcha
Matcha tea powder Matcha Magic - high quality matcha tea.
Discover Dvaro Kava's pine bud tea - a natural and healthy drink, perfect for everyday consumption. This tea is made from fresh pine buds, which have a refreshing, mild taste and aroma.
A tea made from inflorescences grown in Lithuania, carefully hand-picked and qualitatively dried for the evening of a long day.
A natural source of vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, K and E, and the amount of vitamin C in rose hips is ~10 times higher than in black currants and even ~50 times higher than in lemons, therefore it has higher antioxidant properties than other well-known antioxidant fruits.
A traditional tea, long appreciated and loved in our region. Carefully picked, gently dried and uncrushed flowers reveal their best properties in a cup.
A natural and delicious tea, long appreciated in our region. Carefully picked, slowly dried flowers will not only delight you with their meadow scent and taste, but will also calm and refresh you after a hearty meal or before bed.
Nepamainoma arbata vėlyvam rudeniui/žiemai, kai už lango šalta ir pilka. Puikiai sušildo iš vidaus ir priduoda gyvybinės energijos. Išgėrusi pirmą pakuotę iškart užsisakiau dar 3 :).
10/16/2014Puiki arbata, norisi gerti ir gerti, kaip ir kitas šios rūšies arba tas.
03/15/2014Sveiki, smagu, kad vyksta toks grazus susirasinejimas musu puslapyje. O mus pamatyti galite cia :)
01/22/2014Čia tai sutapimas, Antanai, aš irgi 4 metus gyvenau Cobh'e.Sesuo dar tebegyvena ten(Sirius Wharf'e, prie pat vandens), o aš nuo 2011m. jau Lietuvoje.Bet Cobh'as ir Airija liko mano širdyje amžiams - kerinti šalis…
01/22/2014Gal jūs Corke irgi dirbate su ekologinėmis prekėmis?To pasiilgstu čia, LIetuvoje, nes provincijoje (mes Plungės raj.) sunkiai išsilaiko tokios krautuvėlės, gerai, kad yra tokios svetainės, kaip kartais norisi perkant matyti pardavėjo akis :)
Dar važiuodavome Airijoje į Midleton'ą, ten irgi tokia faina eko parduotuvė su maloniomis pardavėjomis .
Linkėjimai Cobh'ui ir sėkmės jūsų versle, Antanai.Bet gal grįžkite kada, mums čia reikia verslių, protingų žmonių..:)
Štai šio restorano-parduotuvės nežinojau. O gyvenu tai Cobh'e ir versliuką turiu Corke ;) Tai man čia vietoj! Ačiū, Jums Rūta labai labai kad pasidalinote nuoroda.
01/21/2014Antanai, šią arbatą pirkdavau Airijoje Corko mieste, centre, prie upės įsikūrusioje organic food parduotuvėje(kartu yra ir vegetariškas restoranas), štai čia :
01/21/2014Bet, tas buvo prieš 3 metus, tad negaliu garantuoti, kad jie dar prekiauja ta arbata…:)
Gerbiama Rūta,
01/20/2014Gal Jūs galite parašyti (jeigu dar užsukate į, kur konkrečiai pirkote šią arbatą birią?
Išnaršiau internetą - niekur neradau Airijoje šios arbatos birios. Apsilankiau nevienoje organinėje parduotuvėje, Airijos skirtinguose miestuose - tik pakeliuose!
P.S. Gal kas iš perskaičiusių žinote? Parašykite kur ieškoti.
Laba diena, Andzela, taip istrauka is zurnalo skirta butent siai arbatai, nes ji skirta gerti su pienu. Taciau tai tik rekomendacija :)
11/11/2013Sudomino o kuris tiksliau cia straipsnis apie arbata t.y. kaip kaupiasi skysciai,pabrinkta paakiai?ar si arbata tinkama butent nuo patinimo paakiu?dekui
11/07/2013Fantastiska arbata, ypac su pienu....
04/03/2013Deja turėsime tik fasuotą. Man ši irgi pati skaniausia iš YOGI TEA. Labai mėgstu ją su pienu:)
06/22/2011nuostabi arbata, bet gal galima gauti po 100g., birios?Žymiai skalsiau ir pigiau.Tokią perku Airijoje, jei įdomu, moku 3,14e.Puiki arbata, kaip ir dauguma iš Yogi Tea.
06/22/2011Only registered users can comment.
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